
Elizabeth Carothers Herron has been named Poet Laureate of Sonoma County. As Poet Laureate she initiated the Being Brave Poetry Project. In this undertaking she offers poetry workshops focused on finding and shaping language for what it means to live with courage in our daily lives. A description of the project is HERE.

LAUNCHED! Elizabeth’s newest book - 2023

“In the Cities of Sleep” order at Fernwood Press

PAST EVENT: Video Available

Elizabeth reads poems from Insistent Grace

for Sebastopol Center for the Arts
Year for the Earth

PAST EVENT Occidental Center for the Arts - Virtual Book Launch: "Insistent Grace" March 2021.

Insistent Grace

Order here…


From Insistent Grace


In fall foliage
the spangled lantern
of Japanese maple
lights the morning garden.
The hawthorn’s red berries,
sun-struck, glisten.
Last night the gibbous moon
ignited frost on the trash can lids.
Day or night
reverence rises from the ordinary.
To hold the moment,
desiring nothing,
is to behold eternal presence simply
waiting recognition.
The quiet heart
receives. The ungrasping eye sees
how the world longs to give itself,
how underneath all longing
we long to be called
to praise.